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3 reasons to buy the COMOTOMO bottle

Foto del escritor: Mundo de PoppyMundo de Poppy

After going through several brands, we share the information about the COMOTOMO bottle, which allowed us to go from breast to bottle in a short period of time.

1) Ease of use

The bottle has a wide mouth that allows easy washing and very quick disassembly.

2) Shape of the bottle

The bottle resembles a breast with a wide base, which allows your baby to have natural movements when taking the breast, squeezing the base of the bottle as she takes it, and increasing the outflow.

3) Texture

It has a fine and pleasant texture to the touch, which resembles human skin, unlike touching other plastic touch textures.

Bonus track:

Teat Acceptance

After trying several traditional brands, the only one that allowed us to accept the teat was this bottle

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